Promise Made. Promise Kept!™
Posted November 26, 2012 in Customer Experience, Living the Brand, WhitepapersVirtually every executive I speak with these days voices the same concern about their business, “We do a very good job of telling customers why they should do business with us, only to drop the ball when they do”. The very idea of a “Promise Made” versus a “Promise Kept” shines a light on the area of Customer Experience that is often the most challenging to do, yet the most important to get right – that is, consistently delivering what you say customers should expect.
Thinking about this reminds me of a segment from the sitcom “Seinfeld”, which we often reference in our Cx design sessions, where Jerry and Elaine go to pick up a mid-sized rental vehicle they reserved from a car rental agency only to be told by the agent that they’ve just run out of vehicles to which Jerry says,“ …You see, you know how to take the reservation, you just don’t know how tohold the reservation. And that’s really the most important part of the reservation: the holding. Anybody can just take them.”
This comedic reference ties nicely into a session we moderated at the recent Customer Experience Strategies Summit, held on Nov. 13 & 14, at the newly opened Shangri-La Hotel in Toronto. We introduced a “thinking” framework and tool for attendees to help them turn the insights they learned throughout the conference into “Promise Kept” actions in their own organizations. It was our own small way of delivering on Promise Kept.
Our latest whitepaper entitled, “Promise Made. Promise Kept!™ – Operationalizing your Brand and Customer Experience”, explores the relationship between brand (Promise Made) and customer experience (Promise Kept). This whitepaper delves into the following areas:
• Brand at a Crossroads – more than just a logo
• Promise Made. Promise Kept!™ – what it is, and where it lives
• The Promise Made. Promise Kept!™ Gap – the challenge of operationalizing your Cx
• Closing the Gap – financial benefits of great Cx and how to close the gap
Download your free copy of the whitepaper here.